četrtek, 15. junij 2017

Cosplay tekmovanje

Razkrivamo prvo tekmovanje na našem festivalu. Kot že obe leti poprej se boste lahko tudi letos pomerili na Cosplay tekmovanju. V kakšni obliki bo potekalo letos, še žirija zaenkrat ni hotela razkriti, tako da bomo več o tem sporočili naknadno. Žirija sporoča samo to, da Cosplay tekmovanje bo, da bo prijava potekala na samem dogodku in da se na lika, ki ga boste cosplayali, dobro pripravite, še posebej, če gre za originalnega lika. Časa je še slabe 4 mesece, tako da že sedaj začnite razmišljati o svojem cosplayju in delati na njem, da bo pravočasno končan. Najboljše tri čakajo lepe nagrade.

We uncover the first competition on our festival. As both years before, this year you will also be able to participate in a cosplay competition. Thus far, the jury did not want to reveal in what form the cosplay competition will take place, so more information will follow at a latter time. For now, the jury just wants to inform you that the cosplay competition will take place, that the application will be on the event itself, and that you should prepare well for the character you will cosplay, especially if that character is an original character. You have less than 4 months left, so start thinking about your cosplay and working on it now to finish it in time. The best three, great prizes await.

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