Žirija za cosplay tekmovanje sporoča nekaj dodatnih informacij, še posebej če je vaš cosplay
izvirni lik. Ne glede kaj cosplayjate, je žirija izrazila željo, da vsi tekmovalci predložite pred tekmovanjem kratke informacije o svojem liku, še posebej če gre za izvirni lik, o katerem komisija ne ve ničesar. Za like iz animejev, filmov, serij in video iger že zadostuje kakšna slika, ime lika in naslov oddaje, medtem ko vas za izvirni lik naprošajo, da dodate še kratek opis. Informacije o vaših cosplayjih lahko predložite na dan dogodka ali pa nam jih posredujete tudi po elektronski pošti na, mi pa jih bomo posredovali dalje naši žiriji, vendar najkasneje do 1. oktobra 2017.
Our Cosplay competition jury revealed some additional information, especially if your cosplay is an
original character. It does not matter what you are cosplaying, our jury stated a wish that all competitors should submit short information about their character, especially if the character is an original character the jury knows nothing about. For anime, movies, series and video game characters, a picture, name of the character and the title of the show will suffice, while in case of an original character they ask of you to add a short description. You can submit information about your cosplay on the event itself or via e-mail on, and we will submit them further to our jury, but not latter than October 1, 2017.