ponedeljek, 28. avgust 2017

Trgovina: Karakondžula

Že lani je trgovina Karakondžula na našem dogodku imela svojo stojnico, tako da bo tudi letos prinesla polno vrečo igralnih dobrot za na mizo. Poleg tega letos na dogodku sodeluje še bolj aktivno, saj pomaga pri organizaciji Pokemon TCG turnirja, za katerega bo trgovina priskrbela tudi nagrade.

The shop Karakondžula had its stand on our event last year, so this year it will once again bring a whole bag of playable goods for the table. This year, it also participates on the event more actively, because it helps us to organise the Pokem TCG tournament, for which the shop will give some great prizes.

Pokemon TCG turnir

Na letošnjem MokuMatsuriju dodajamo še eno novo tekmovanje, in sicer govorimo o turnirju v igri s kartami Pokemon. Turnir bo organiziran v sodelovanju s trgovino Karakondžula, ki bo prav tako prisotna na našem dogodku. Poleg tekmovanja bo na voljo tudi prosto igranje v tej igi s kartami, tako da ste vabljeni tudi tisti, ki bi se te igre želeli naučiti.

This year on MokuMatsuri, we are adding a new competition; we are referring to the Pokemon trading card game tournament. The tournament will be organised in cooperation with the shop Karakondžula, which will also attend our event. I addition to the competition, there will also be a free-play of this trading card game, which is why everybody who wants to learn how to play this game is invited as well.

sobota, 19. avgust 2017

Trgovine: Nippon Sweets

Sladkarije so šibka točka mnogih. Zelo težko se je upreti kakšni okusni čokoladi ali dobrim bonbonom, saj je sladka razvada vedno najslajša razvada. Če pa k vsemu temu še dodamo pridih japonskih okusov, dobimo pravo doživetje za vse sladokusce. In prav to nam prinaša trgovina Nippon Sweets, ki na svoji spletni strani nudi najokusnejše sladke dobrote iz dežele vzhajajočega sonca. Ta trgovina za prave sladokusce se bo prav tako udeležila našega dogodka, tako da si boste ob obisku dogodka lahko priskrbeli kaj za posladkat.

Sweets are a weak spot for many people. It is hard to resist a delicious chocolate or some good candy because a sweet habit is the sweetest habit. If we add a hint of japanese tastes to it, we get a real experience for all gourmets. And this is exactly what the shop Nippon Sweets is bringing to us, offering the tastiest goods from the land of the rising sun on their website. This shop for real gourmets will also attend our event, so you will be able to acquire something to sweeten your visit of the event.

Umetniški kotiček: DanijelDesignerS - Oblikovalec Danijel

Na letošnjem dogodku bo svojo stojnico imel tudi umetnik Danijel, poznan pod umetniškim imenom DanijelDesignerS, ki o sebi pravi sledeče:
Sem oblikovalec Danijel in ustvarjam pod imenom DanijelDesignerS. Kot velik oboževalec animejev najraje rišem risane junake, kot je One Piece, kateri me večkrat inspirira. Poleg risanja, ki je moja velika strast, se lotevam tudi drugih projektov, ki vključujejo oblikovanje. Že kot majhen sem bil kreativen, kar je na srečo opazil tudi moj učitelj likovnega pouka. Govoril mi je: "Danijelson, ti si ''Künstler'', kar pomeni "Danijelson (Danijel), ti si umetnik". Njemu se imam zahvaliti, da sem svoje talente samozavestno razvijal naprej. Tako lahko danes pokažem izdelke, kot so risbe in makete animejev, ročno poslikane majice z junaki, makete avtomobilskih konstrukcij, kulise, rezbarjeni kipi in drugi izdelki iz lesa. Z veseljem tudi sprejmem izziv in oblikujem kaj po naročilu. Po izobrazbi sem aranžerski tehnik, končujem pa študij oblikovanja materialov. Stremim k temu, da svoj talent stalno razvijam. V prostem času se ukvarjam tudi z glasbo. Moje Dj-sko ime je DJD'@Danijel.

On this year's event, the artist Danijel, known as DanijelDesignerS, will also have his own stand. He has the following thing to say about himself:
I am Danijel the designer who creates under the name DanijelDesignerS. As a great fan of anime, I prefer to draw cartoon characters, such as One Piece which often inspires me. Besides drawing, which is my great passion, I do also other projects which also include designing. I was creative since I was little. Luckily, my arts teacher noticed that. He always told me: "Danijelson, you are a "Künstler", which means "Danijelson (Danijel), you are an artist". Thanks to him, I have developed my talents further with self-confidence. Today I can thus show products such as drawings and models of anime figures, hand-drawn shirts with heroes, car construction models, sets, carved statues and other wooden products. I also gladly accept a challenge and design something ordered. I am a window display technician and I am finishing the study of material designing. I strive to always develop my talent. In my free time I also occupy myself with music. My DJ name is DJD'@Danijel.

petek, 18. avgust 2017

Obvestilo: Nekaj napotkov za Cosplay tekmovanje

Žirija za cosplay tekmovanje sporoča nekaj dodatnih informacij, še posebej če je vaš cosplay izvirni lik. Ne glede kaj cosplayjate, je žirija izrazila željo, da vsi tekmovalci predložite pred tekmovanjem kratke informacije o svojem liku, še posebej če gre za izvirni lik, o katerem komisija ne ve ničesar. Za like iz animejev, filmov, serij in video iger že zadostuje kakšna slika, ime lika in naslov oddaje, medtem ko vas za izvirni lik naprošajo, da dodate še kratek opis. Informacije o vaših cosplayjih lahko predložite na dan dogodka ali pa nam jih posredujete tudi po elektronski pošti na animokuqk@gmail.com, mi pa jih bomo posredovali dalje naši žiriji, vendar najkasneje do 1. oktobra 2017.

Our Cosplay competition jury revealed some additional information, especially if your cosplay is an original character. It does not matter what you are cosplaying, our jury stated a wish that all competitors should submit short information about their character, especially if the character is an original character the jury knows nothing about. For anime, movies, series and video game characters, a picture, name of the character and the title of the show will suffice, while in case of an original character they ask of you to add a short description. You can submit information about your cosplay on the event itself or via e-mail on animokuqk@gmail.com, and we will submit them further to our jury, but not latter than October 1, 2017.

Weiß Schwarz turnir

Kolegi iz Weiß Schwarz Slovenija bodo na našem dogodku organizirali majhen turnir v igri s kartami Weiß Schwarz. Izberite si torej svoj najljubši anime, pa naj bo to Sword Art Online, Fate Stay Night, Crayon Shin-Chan, Terraformars, Attack on Titan, Puella Magi Madoka Magica in še mnogi drugi, in se pomerite z nasprotnikom. Čakajo vas lepe nagrade. Na voljo bo vsekakor tudi prosto igranje te igre, da se boste tisti, ki vas ta igra zanima, je lahko naučili.

Colleagues from Weiß Schwarz Slovenija will organise a small Weiß Schwarz card game tournament on our event. Choose your favourite anime, whether it is Sword Art Online, Fate Stay Night, Crayon Shin-Chan, Terraformars, Attack on Titan, Puella Magi Madoka Magica and many others, and face your opponent. Great prizes await you. There will also be a free play of this game, so that those of you who are interested in this game will be able to learn it.

Trgovine: AnimeShop

Kot ste mnogi slišali, trgovina AnimeShop počasi zapira svoja vrata, vendar bo na MokuMatsuriju še imela svojo stojnico. Na našem dogodku boste tako imeli eno izmed zadnjih priložnosti, da si različne dodatke iz vam najljubšega animeja priskrbite po zelo ugodni ceni, saj trgovina odprodaja svoje zaloge.

As many of you have heard, AnimeShop is slowly closing its doors, but they will still be present on MokuMatsuri. On our event, you will have one of the last opportunities to ensure different accessories from your favourite anime at a very low price because the shop has a sale.