ponedeljek, 4. september 2017

Animoku kviz

Kot že vsako leto doslej, tudi tokrat ne bo šlo brez Animoku kviza. Vsako leto smo izvedli kviz v drugačni obliki, tako da smo tudi letos razmislili o posebni obliki, ki bo istočasno izziv in zabava. Vsi, ki ste gledali nemško/avstrijsko televizijo, ste verjetno kdaj naleteli na kviz "1, 2 oder 3" (1, 2 ali 3). No, letošnje leto bo kviz potekal v tem stilu, vendar znova mogoče v nekoliko spremenjeni obliki. Pravila zanj bomo pojasnili na samem dogodku, ko bodo dokončno dogovorjena.

Like every yer thus far, it will not go without the Animoku Quiz. Every year, the quiz was in a different form, which is why we thought of a special form that will be a challenge and fun at the same time. Everyone who was watching German/Austrian TV stations probably came in contact with the quiz "1, 2 oder 3" (1, 2 or 3). Well, this year, the style of the quiz will be in this format, but once again in a bit changed form. We will explain the rules on the event itself when they will finally be agreed.

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