Društvo Zlati Goblin, ki je tudi soorganizator dogodka oz. pod okriljem katerega dogodek organiziramo, pa bo za vas pripravilo vpogled v igro s kartami Legend of the Five Rings. Založnik igre je o njej zapisal:
Dobrodošli v kraljestvo Rokugan, v deželo samurajev in mistikov, besnih zmajev in božanskih bitij — v deželo, kjer je čast močnejša od jekla. Tukaj klani služijo cesarju in se spuščajo v priliznjene prevare ter igre moči, tudi ko se vojskujejo med sabo in z zlimi silami, ki pestijo kraljestvo. To je svet, v katerem se odvija Legend of the Five Rings!
The society Zlati Goblin, which is also the co-organiser of the event or rather the organisation under which we organise the event, will prepare a look into the card game Legend of the Five Rings for you. The publisher writes the following about the game:
Welcome to the realm of Rokugan: a land of samurai and mystics, mad dragons and divine beings — a land where honor is stronger than steel. Here, the clans serve the Emperor and engage in courtly deceptions and power plays, even as they wage war against each other and the evil forces that plague their realm. This is the world of Legend of the Five Rings!
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